Writing for the game can contain word replacements that allow text to be dynamically customized. Word replacements are contained within '|' characters.
The system uses a series of scope identifiers and ends in the specific value you wish to retrieve; each scope identifier is separated with a full stop '.' You can use as many scope identifiers as you want before arriving at the value.
<aside> 💡 Word replacements are case insensitive but if you want the replacement to start with a capital, start the replacement text with a capital. If you want to use all caps, use a capital for the last letter.
<aside> 💡 The 'starting point' of the scope will depend on the text:
For example if I wanted to access the formal name of a landlord from a document found in a person's apartment I'd do the following: |location.landlord.formalname|. The starting scope is the document itself (object), so to get the landlord's name I need to switch scope to the document's location (place), from there I can again switch scope to the landlord (person), then finally return their formal name.
<aside> 💡 The below types marked with a '*' means you can access them without a preceding scope identifier.