<aside> 💡 In Shadows of Doubt, cities are randomly generated from seeds. We’re now looking to open up this process to include options to customize it. Instead of using a mod tool, we’re putting this feature directly into the game. In this initial release we have custom building placement and naming ready. In the future we’ll be looking to expand on it more.
The city editor will work in phases; currently only editing at the first phase is available- which allows you to place buildings, rename them along with streets.
Before you can edit anything, the game will need to generate a starting city which you can edit. You can use the ‘generate map’ button to do this.
Once you have that, you can enter ‘Tile Edit’ or ‘Street Edit’ mode to change things.
Tile Edit allows you to change what kind of building occupies that tile, as well as rename or rotate it.
Street Edit displays a list of generated streets and allows you to rename them.
<aside> 💡 Please note there is currently no way to edit street layouts.
<aside> 💡 There is currently no way to save your progress of editing city before finalizing it.